Bojan Živanović

Open Sourcerer. Director of Engineering

Rebooting the blog

Five years ago I relaunched my blog on WordPress. As a Drupal developer I wanted to experience a competing product from the perspective of a regular user. A year later I become the development lead for Drupal Commerce, and my blogging mostly moved to the Drupal Commerce blog, with 15 posts over the past few years. Meanwhile, the desire to try other systems persisted. Our documentation site is powered by Grav nowadays, which had a good skeleton for what we needed to build.

Building complex eCommerce solutions made me appreciate the opposite idea, of sites that don’t need updating or maintanance. This lead me to static site generators, where Hugo leads the pack. This was paralleled by my recent dabbling in Golang, and spf13’s amazing keynote at DrupalCon Nashville. So, here we are.

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